Please check your child's bag for extra clothes as
the weather begins to change.
Please help us stay healthy by keeping your child
home if they are not feeling well, running a temperature, etc.
We thank you for your help with this.
Please have your child here by 9am. This way your child
will get the full benefit of our program.
Please update phone numbers and addresses as
needed, this is very important in case of sickness
or an emergency.
Please watch your calendar for show and tell days.
Show and Tell needs to be small enough to go in a
bag so they are not lost.
As a reminder if your child needs medicine during
the day, please sign it in and give it to a teacher.
Medicine cannot be left in bags for safety.
A crib sheet and a pillow case needs to be brought
on the first day they come.
PAYMENTS are due on Friday. If payment is not
made on Friday, please ADD the $25.00 late fee.
My email:
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Miss Jeanne's cell phone number 865-363-6603
Day Care Phone Number 865-984-6056
These are ways you can contact me for any reason.
God Bless each of you,
Miss Jeanne |